2021 ACAT Annual meeting Agenda, Video and Presentations

ACAT Annual Meeting Video recording
(online via zoom) December 11, 2021


Victor Olgyay, Rocky Mountain Institute – Embodied Carbon: A Hidden Climate Solution (.pdf)

Embodied Carbon presentation (.pdf) Victor has led a wide range of initiatives focused on architectural design and planning, with specializations in bioclimatic building and daylighting design. Since 2012, Victor has been a member of the General Services Administration (GSA) Green Building Advisory Committee, where he ran a task group to promote the procurement of low embodied carbon materials by the Federal government. He is also on the Board of the Carbon Leadership Forum and ASHRAE’s Task Force for Building Decarbonization.

Buildings account for at least 39% of energy-related global carbon emissions on an annual basis. One-quarter of these emissions result from the carbon emissions associated with building materials and construction, commonly referred to as embodied carbon. The solutions for addressing embodied carbon in buildings have not been widely studied, leaving a significant knowledge gap for engineers, architects, contractors, policymakers, and building owners.

The good news is we can use design and specification skills to drastically reduce the carbon embodied in buildings. Embodied carbon can be reduced significantly at little to no additional up-front cost. This presentation describes approaches and shares results from a recent case study analysis demonstrating embodied carbon reductions between 24-46% at cost premiums of less than 1%. We will discuss solutions to achieve these no- and low-cost reductions and other strategies for achieving even greater embodied carbon savings.

    1. Five Seats up for Re-Election
      1. Tyler Boyes
      2. Emmett Leffel
      3. Eric Visser
      4. OPEN
      5. OPEN

2. Proposed Bylaw change would add the following membership levels highlighted in green to the existing levels to take effect Jan. 1, 2021: Individual – $25,  Supporter/Family – $75 (increased from existing level of $50), Corporate – $100, Student – $15, Honorary – $0, name on website, Champion- $150, name on website, Sustainer- $300, name on website

  1. LIGHTNING ROUND Board Updates (.pdf)
    1. Air Tightness – Mark Houston
    2. Utility Scale Solar Projects in Alaska – Jenn Miller
    3. Energy Monitoring Programs Tyler Boyes
    4. Energy Efficiency Legislation – Eric Visser
    5. AK Electric Vehicle Research Update – Michelle Wilber
    6. Air Source Heat Pumps – Alan Mitchell
    7. UAF Bristol Bay Sustainable Energy Program – Mark Masteller 
  1. ROUND THE ROOM UPDATES (if time allows)